Sunday, June 10, 2018

Finished Product

Granny D here.  Remember all those piece parts I showed you on Monday?  We're calling that Make It Monday, by the way.  Well, all of those parts finally became something special today.

Since these will soon be showing up in our eBay store, I thought you might like to see how one is made.  I'm going to take you kind of step by step as to how I put it together.  As you see each step, feel free to let me know if you think something can be done quicker or easier.  I'm no expert, believe me.
First things first. 
I make the straps, the button flap and the pockets first.

Then I sew the pockets to the lining and put the lining together.  And this time I remembered to leave the 3" to 4" hole in the bottom so I can turn it later.  Sheesh!  I always forget that.  Thank goodness for seam rippers.

After that I start working on the outside of the bag.  I use fusible batting to make it soft and then quilt it just a little.  Then I sew on the straps and the flap.  You'll notice I changed the flap.  When I got ready to sew it on, it was just too wide.  So I just made another one.

Now comes the fun part.  I turn the lining inside out and tuck the bag, right side out into the lining.  Got it.  I just have to keep telling myself right sides together, right sides together...  You get the picture

Then, it's just a matter of sewing around the top of the bag, making sure everything is straight and even and those straps stay out of the way.  I turn it through that little hole I left in the bottom of the lining.  And then, whew, remembered to sew the hole up once I'm sure everything is cool.  Lastly, sew a button on the front to secure the bag somewhat.
And, there you have it.  A patriotic tote, that's roomy enough for just about whatever you might need.  Plus, it has plenty of pockets to help keep things organized.  What do you think?

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