Monday, June 11, 2018

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Granny D here.  It's a dreary, rainy Monday here in Virginia.  Maybe that's why I focused in on this beautiful blue and sunny yellow combination.  As you can see, the front of the bag is already pieced.  The straps have been cut from the navy.  The back is going to be that navy Majestic fabric we have in the eBay store...I think...
As you can see, after a little contemplation, I'm still having an argument with myself.  Should I make the lining out of the navy and the back of the bag out of that yellow?  I'm thinking practical here.

 The yellow will show dirt quicker (these can be washed, by the way) but who wants to wash their bag every day or every week for that matter.  However, the interior might be even worse.  Lipstick comes open, pens leak.
As Jimelle posted earlier today, oh, the possibilities.  Well, at least between blue and yellow.
What do you think?

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