Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Two Tone Tuesday

I think that what attracted me to quilting in the first place was the vast and delicious fabric colors. Giant swathes of rich color, in any medium, are my thing. Paintings, quilts, clothes, it doesn't matter. I love love love color, and I'm so happy that new fabrics offer jewel tones and crisp pastels.

My love of color is how I ended up with this:

My first real quilt!

I just put together all the colors I loved and went with it. (You'll notice that I have no idea how to take a proper quilt picture). 

Since making it, I've found that lots of times, I have color paralysis. Even within the same color scheme, there are SO. MANY. CHOICES, and the problem is that I like every single one. I stare at fabrics until my head hurts and then I just have to stop looking before I drive myself crazy.

Then I got to nosing around and found this:

This is a very helpful way (for me, anyway) to decide on color, especially when I'm stuck with too many choices. I don't always follow it, but at least it gives me a starting point.

How do you use color? How do you decide, when there are so many gorgeous fabrics out there that you just have to have them all?

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